I posted these 2 events to the Burning Man Playa calendar:
Hug Nation World-Wide Group Hug
Every Wednesday at 6pm (pacific) the world is united in loving intentions for a brief Group Hug. This ongoing digital event is making an appearance on the Playa on Wed @6. Hug yourself, hug the person next to you, or gather a group. Or join the Lustmonkeys who will be hugging at the Man.
This is not a Playa-specific event�people world-wide will be participating, so tell your Playa-challenged friends to hug themselves and join us (in shared mental space) at the specified time. (See HugNation.com)
Are you Cumming?!?
The first of every month, sexual explorers around the world focus their orgasmic release for the good of the planet. By yourself, with a toy, with a partner, or with an entire camp�the path is up to you. We�ll all meet at the destination.
Time and location are flexible. Mindset and intention are the key. (A shared camera-free physical space may be organized the night of the burn if logistics allow it.)