last 5 wrds:

"soak "

Today I went to pick up grandpa from the hospital.

My grandpa isn�t sick, though. He needs rides to and from the hospital every day to visit my grandma.

My grandma is fighting Leukemia. The Doc gave her a 55% chance of leaving the hospital. But he�s a no bullshit kinda guy. This morning, on day 11 of her battle, he said to her, �Hmm, you look a lot better than I expected you would.�

Today she was hurting and asked me not to come up to her room. So I picked up grandpa from the curb.

They�ve been partners for infinity. These nights alone have probably been the first he�s had by himself since he was in his late teens.

So we cruised back to his retirement community to hang out and have a soak. Grandpa has had a daily sauna or Jacuzzi for decades. He believes in sweating out the impurities. It�s also a nice time to slow down and meditate/pray/center.

We talked about the family. About my grandma. About dying. We talked about greed. And spirit. And religious institutions.

When I was good and wrinkled, we got out of the Jacuzzi and dried off.

Grandpa stayed wrinkled.

I think we both felt better.

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