last 5 wrds:

"explorer "

I was naked on my bed Sunday afternoon, tangled around MissM.

Ashlee and Flare were in the room. So were the two photographers from Details magazine.

We were posing a picture for a Details article about high tech gadgets.

I wonder if anyone was watching the scene via the House webcams.

I wonder if they would be shocked. Or amused. Or aroused.

The crazier my life gets, the less crazy it seems.

The more I break down boundaries, the more I wonder why I had the boundaries in the first place.

I suppose I should be careful. I don�t want to find myself in the emergency room, explaining to the receptionist why I need to have the endangered Peruvian iguana extracted from my colon,

�You want to know *how* the little guy got up there? That�s a good question, Ma�m�I�m not really sure�.First I got used to showering in front of a webcam�then my boundaries started eroding�I guess the momentum kinda carried me.�

Well, before you start worrying, I distributed an extensive list of written guidelines of what can and can�t be placed in my rectum. (Peruvian iguanas are NOT on the list. Neither are dental tools or anything sold at Crate & Barrel.)

I�m in explorer mode. Life is an adventure. I�m trying to chronicle it all as best I can, �cause�well, that�s what I do.

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